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Welcome Back!

Welcome back everyone and Happy New Year!
I hope you all had an enjoyable winter holiday and spent some great time together as a family.

We are currently finishing up our Data Management (graphing) unit in Math, and will be moving on to addition and subtraction next week!  In Language, we will be writing some personal recounts about places we've gone, things we've done or trips we've taken. We'll also continue our guided reading groups where students read 'just right' books in small teams, with the teacher. Our next Science unit is "liquids and solids" where we will explore properties of the different states of matter.

Things you can work on at home:

- Continue to read the books sent home in the homework folder. Your child should be able to read these books to you, independently.

- Grade level reading at this point in the year is: Grade 1's at level 10-14; Grade 2's at level 18-24.

- You can focus on sight words in print, for example: the, in, said, went, because, he, she, with, come, etc. You can check out a full list here:
(Scroll down to see the lists, pre-primer to first or second grade)

- Practise your child's spelling words each week. They can write them in fun colours, outline them, spell them out loud, write them in a rainbow, make a song, clap the letters - so many ways of practising!

- Keep playing Prodigy. I update the content each week to align with what we are practising in school.

- Addition and subtraction is coming up. You can help your child practise number facts up to 20. This will help make things easier for them in school when we are doing more complicated math problems. Here are some games to help:

I will continue to send student work home with feedback, as well as post samples for you to review. Thanks for your partnership!


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